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Time For Google and The Dog To Part Company


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Am I the only one who has noticed the subtle changes Google has been making to everything labeled Google as it relates to the web? The search engine results are now far from the neutral links and descriptions they used to provide six months - year ago. Gmail is now full of add related emails (labeled as such) from Google supported advertisers. Nobody knows exactly what goes on behind the scenes with Google and your info.

It appears by the volume of layoffs, the capital investment companies and shareholders of Google, Microsoft, Meta, et all are looking for bigger returns on their money at all costs which has set off a panic series of decisions at the "C" level of management. This includes huge labor layoffs, which may be warranted, but pulling out a hatchet and wildly swinging it without too much forethought of the consequences other than the "C" level management retaining their jobs is plain dumb.

What's currently affects me as a user is their attempt to harvest revenue from my actions on the web. News for you Google, Microsoft, and the rest of the gang, you brought this on yourselves and the reason I gave up taking social media seriously.
So it's off to Brave/ DuckDuckGo, a private DNS, transitioning to a private small fee email and plugging the peep holes Microsoft installed in Windows, we hit the tipping point providers. you can kiss my ass and all the revenue it generated goodbye. Unless they change their ways I would expect I am at the beginning of a mass migration.
Am I the only one who has noticed the subtle changes Google has been making to everything labeled Google as it relates to the web? The search engine results are now far from the neutral links and descriptions they used to provide six months - year ago. Gmail is now full of add related emails (labeled as such) from Google supported advertisers. Nobody knows exactly what goes on behind the scenes with Google and your info.

It appears by the volume of layoffs, the capital investment companies and shareholders of Google, Microsoft, Meta, et all are looking for bigger returns on their money at all costs which has set off a panic series of decisions at the "C" level of management. This includes huge labor layoffs, which may be warranted, but pulling out a hatchet and wildly swinging it without too much forethought of the consequences other than the "C" level management retaining their jobs is plain dumb.

What's currently affects me as a user is their attempt to harvest revenue from my actions on the web. News for you Google, Microsoft, and the rest of the gang, you brought this on yourselves and the reason I gave up taking social media seriously.
So it's off to Brave/ DuckDuckGo, a private DNS, transitioning to a private small fee email and plugging the peep holes Microsoft installed in Windows, we hit the tipping point providers. you can kiss my ass and all the revenue it generated goodbye. Unless they change their ways I would expect I am at the beginning of a mass migration.
If the talk is about tech talk about ChatGPT and Bing integration.