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Twitter ?


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Jul 5, 2021
On Twitter when it say create account says name does it want my real name or twitter handle ?or do I put in my handle after ?

AFFASocial example when you made your name in create account name it was your real name or twitter handle ?​


AFFASocial example when you made your name in create account name it was not your real name it is your twitter handle can you change your name in profile ?​

Your question was about Twitter and it has been answered. I suggest a Google search for your other question as each site signup is different from the others.
The thing to keep in mind with twitter (X) is your twitter account is linked to and owned by your tel. number. That being said you are asked to provide a identitiy or user name which you are free to change. Keep in mind the account owner will always be the tel. number and never the user name.

Kabiruhamza said​

When you're creating a Twitter account, it asks for your name. You can put in your real name or use your Twitter

My question is

Example can I make my name sportman and realname as one handle ?